Moonshotbots is an ⭐️Ultra-Rare⭐️ PFP (303 max supply) created by @owocki & @austingriffith
❤️🛠 Seeded on 8/23/21 @ 12pm MST to BUIDLers in Moonshot Collective
Why is the MoonshotBots Maximum Supply 303?
Because this project was made with <3 in Colorado + our area code out here is 303. #shillcolorado
🙋♂️ How many Moonshot Bots have been minted so far?
203 Minted so far of 303 Maximum Possible.
🙋♀️ When was this project launched?
This project was launched at the demo session of the monthly Moonshot Collective call to Moonshot'ers, during the demo session (a few minutes after 12pm MST on 8/23/21). Aside from the project authors (Kevin/Austin), who minted a 1 token each for testing, everyone got the opportunity to mint their tokens all at the same time -- Woo Fair Launch!!!1!
🙋♂️ Why was this project launched?
These PFPs were designed to celebrate the BUIDLers in the Moonshot Collective (and the ecosystem they serve writ large). Builders in this space are doing amazing work!
🙋♀️ What are all the cool kids doing?
You are welcome to purchase 2 MoonshotBots. Keep one for yourself, and send another to your favorite Builder. Karma FTW!
🙋♂️ How is the price calculated?
These PFPs are minted on a bonding curve that increases 4.7% each purchase and starts with a price of 0.0033 ETH. Here's the bonding curve: The price goes up IFF people are willing to buy more MoonshotBots. There are no guarantees that this will happen; it is probably unlikely to happen. Please buy a MoonshotBot to support public goods or because you like the art or to show appreciation for your favorite dev, please DO NOT buy them for other reasons.
🙋♀️ Where does the ETH go when I purchase a MoonshotBot?
100% of funds will go to the Gitcoin Grants Multisig to fund public goods on Gitcoin.
🙋♂️ Which MoonshotBots are the rarest?
1. All attributes (legs, arms, face, body, quadratic vs plain, smile) have been distributed according to a bell curve to the bots.
2. We have distributed hyper-mega-rare attributes (Quadratic backgrounds, a picture of a Chad, a bow tie) placed into the PFPs further along the curve.
3. See for yourself by browsing the bots above, or on OpenSea.
🙋♂️ Whats the Moonshot Collective?
MC was the prototyping workstream of the GitcoinDAO. For more information, click here.